Yet, I lingered. Stewed. Drank myself stupid (nothing new). And, yes, to wile/while away the time: listened to music. Which is to say: same old, same old. To paraphrase my favorite band: I wasn't living, just killing time.
You see, I suffer from this nasty habit of inertia -- much preferring the status quo to forward motion. So much safer, you see. "Nothing risked, nothing gained," you say? Well, yeah, okay. But, also: "Curiosity killed the cat." "Ignorance is bliss." Etc., etc., blah, blah, blah....
Yet, some six months ago -- still drinking, still lingering -- I rediscovered the itch to offer up some music in the vaccuum of cyberspace. Easy. Anonymous. Yet strangely satisfying. It came as an unsuspected-but-welcome kick in the ass. My gluteus may have been bruised, but my brain was re-engaged.
But here we are -- six months hence -- and the time has once again come to commit this little insignificant site to its grave. I suppose it's possible that I will one day rediscover the "itch" to do this, but one can only go to that well so often, lest the well run dry, lest the boy cry wolf.
So, as I have said before: I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed visiting here. I hope that you have been able to discover some new and interesting songs and artists within these pages. And I certainly wish you all the very best in your future endeavors -- be they musically-related or otherwise. "Aloha."
(And, may I add -- albeit from this faithful atheist's persistently skewered view -- "Amen.")
Left-click [HERE] to download the REQUIEM FOR A BLOG mix.
01 MOZART/Requiem/Introitus
02 MOZART/Requiem/Dies Irae
03 MOZART/Requiem/Rex Tremendae
04 MOZART/Requiem/Confutatis
05 MOZART/Requiem/Lacrymosa
06 VERDI/Requiem/Dies Irae
07 VERDI/Requiem/Lacrymosa
08 BRAHMS/Requiem/Denn alles Fleish, es ist wie Gras
09 BARBER/Agnus Dei
10 FAURE/Requiem/Agnus Dei
11 DURUFLE/Requiem/Kyrie
12 BEETHOVEN/Missa Solemnis/Kyrie
13 BEETHOVEN/Missa Solemnis/Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
14 MOZART/Mass in C Minor/Kyrie
15 RUTTER/Requiem/Pie Jesu