Born out of the Britpop bubble of the early-to-mid '90s, Mansun was one of the many bands that briefly blew up, then quickly slinked back into insignificance. In retrospect, their 1996 LP Attack of the Grey Lantern remains their only real claim to fame. While it's certainly no OK Computer, it is an ambitious, stylish opus that holds up relatively well - even a decade down the road.
Unfortunately, Mansun's subsequent efforts were somewhat colorless, and they eventually, inevitably went the way of the dinosaur and dodo. Now... have some fun with the following fossils....
From the LP Attack of the Grey Lantern, 1996 >>>
[MP3] "Wide Open Space"
[MP3] "The Chad Who Loved Me"
[MP3] "Take It Easy, Chicken"
From the LP Little Kix, 2000 >>>
[MP3] "I Can Only Disappoint U"
[MP3] "My Idea of Fun"
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