[This post lasted about four days before Blogger finally deleted it. And the pattern, by now, is clear: Pretty much every English artist or band I've featured in the past month-and-a-half has mysteriously disappeared within days or hours of the posting. There's no possible way that all of these artists/bands are represented by the same company/label, yet they all -- eventually -- vanish into the ether. I don't know what's going on in England at this point (some sort of government crackdown?), but it's become quite obvious that any posts featuring new/current songs by British artists will not be around for long. A sad state of affairs, to say the least.]
From the LP SAFE TRIP HOME, 2008 >>> [MP3] "Quiet Times" [MP3] "Us 2 Little Gods"
From the LP LIFE FOR RENT, 2003 >>> [MP3] "This Land is Mine"
From the LP NO ANGEL, 1999 >>> [MP3] "Here With Me"
The Plymouth colonists celebrate the first Thanksgiving with the Wampanoag people. Afterward, tribal chief Massasoit [seated left-center, with tallest & most abundant head-feathers] speaks highly of the turkey, maize, and mussels, but heaps highest praise on settler Josiah Bacardi [standing right, with hunting sword, lobstertail helmet & "Ye Olde Worlde's Greateste Grandpa" mug] and his "devilishly addictive, crisp as a New England breeze" rum & cranberry concoction. The younger members of the Lancaster family share a good laugh at the expense of their dog-loving, Alzheimer's-suffering grandparents, Joseph & Irene. Suffice it to say, that's not a turkey ol' Joe's about to carve!
Today is the day we Americans get even fatter than we already are chasing our collective tryptophan fix sitting on our collective fat ass watching Cowboys conquer and Lions lie down. As for me, I'm gonna eat me some pizza. Rake some leaves. Then take a nap or call 911 and commit Suicide-By-Cop. Whichever seems most appropriate at the time.
Since I'm sure many of this blog's usual visitors will be AWOL today, I'm going to risk doing something different. Which is to say: I'm going to deluge you with classical music until I've put you in a holiday mood (or sent you fleeing).
Fact is, a little non-pop-rock-blah-blah-blah may make for a welcome respite, so here goes....
Left-click [HERE] to download the classic(al) tracks.
01 VIVALDI/Concerto for 4 Violins in B Minor/1st Movement 02 PERGOLESI/Stabat Mater [excerpt] 03 MOZART/Turkish March 04 BEETHOVEN/5th Symphony/1st Movement 05 BRAHMS/Hungarian Dance #5 06 BIZET/Carmen/Habanera 07 MENDELSSOHN/4th Symphony/4th Movement 08 VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/Sea Songs/Quick March 09 PACHELBEL/Canon and Gigue for Strings 10 ORFF/Carmina Burana/O Fortuna/Fortune plango vulnera 11 GRIEG/Peer Gynt/Suite #1/In the Hall of the Mountain King 12 BRAHMS/Violin Concerto/3rd Movement 13 RACHMANINOV/Prelude in G Minor 14 ROSSINI/Carmen/Chanson du Toreador 15 VIVALDI/The Four Seasons/Winter/3rd Movement 16 PERGOLESI/Stabat Mater [excerpts] 17 MOZART/Concerto for 2 Pianos/3rd Movement 18 BACH/Wachet Auf (Sleepers, Awake)
[This post lasted about 16 hours before Blogger deleted it. It exists now only for "decorative" purposes -- and to prove that I have not been slacking on my blogministering duties.]
From the LP SLIPWAY FIRES, 2008 >>> [MP3] "Burberry Blue Eyes" [MP3] "North London Trash"
From the LP RAZORLIGHT, 2006 >>> [MP3] "In the Morning"