All good things, as they say, must come to an end. Now, I don't know that this blog ever really qualified as a "good" thing, but, from June 4, 2005 to March 5, 2009, it certainly provided me some much-appreciated distraction from the real world.
I've always assumed that I would keep this blog going for as long as I was alive to do it, and so I have. But change is afoot, and the time has finally come to put this thing out of its misery.
I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed visiting here. I hope that you have been able to discover some new and interesting songs and artists within these pages. And I certainly wish you all the very best in your future endeavors -- be they musically-related or otherwise. Aloha.
Left-click [HERE] to download one final PLAGUE OF ANGELS mix...
01 fake plastic trees
02 street spirit (fade out)
03 how to disappear completely
04 a wolf at the door
05 nude
06 weird fishes/arpeggi
07 i will [demo]
08 gagging order
09 pyramid song
10 [fitter happier]
11 the tourist
12 everything in its right place
13 reckoner
14 exit music (for a film)
15 let down
16 like spinning plates
17 no surprises
18 lozenge of love
19 videotape