All good things, as they say, must come to an end. Now, I don't know that this blog ever really qualified as a "good" thing, but, from June 4, 2005 to March 5, 2009, it certainly provided me some much-appreciated distraction from the real world.
I've always assumed that I would keep this blog going for as long as I was alive to do it, and so I have. But change is afoot, and the time has finally come to put this thing out of its misery.
I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed visiting here. I hope that you have been able to discover some new and interesting songs and artists within these pages. And I certainly wish you all the very best in your future endeavors -- be they musically-related or otherwise. Aloha.
Left-click [HERE] to download one final PLAGUE OF ANGELS mix...
01 fake plastic trees
02 street spirit (fade out)
03 how to disappear completely
04 a wolf at the door
05 nude
06 weird fishes/arpeggi
07 i will [demo]
08 gagging order
09 pyramid song
10 [fitter happier]
11 the tourist
12 everything in its right place
13 reckoner
14 exit music (for a film)
15 let down
16 like spinning plates
17 no surprises
18 lozenge of love
19 videotape
I for one have truly enjoyed the new groups and variety of music you introduced. You put a tremendous amount of effort into the blog and I'm saddened that you have decided to stop. Take care and may all your future endeavours be successful. Thanks a whole lot.
Hey. Thanks for the blog, I know I've enjoyed stopping by. Best wishes, man.
i'm so sad that it's the end. I discovered some great new music here, most recently rockettothesky, which is currently on high rotation on my iPod. thank you thank you thank you!
You have been greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for putting your musical self out there, for critique or absorbance. You've really opened me up to a great number of artists, and I'm sorry that you're leaving. Good luck to you.
Thanks and happy trails!
Truly loved the blog, and you more than most others have consistently introduced me to new artists that I can appreciate. Hope all is well. I am going to miss this regular stop, but I'll be checking back with hopeful sentimentality every once in a while.
P.S. Good go on the Radiohead
well, what can I add to this? You've been one of the first blogs that I've added to my blogroll (and vice-versa ;) ), and I always enjoyed coming back here during the last 5 years. So molotov, thanks for all the great stuff you've been posting, and I wish you all the best wherever you may roam!
Chris the Swiss
Say it's not true! I stumbled across this blog about a year ago and have literally checked it daily. Your distraction in turn became my distraction... Now I'll have to find a new distraction :( . Alas! I've loved your mix of the old and the new. Take care. Love & Light. Jo
Dear Molotov,
I will miss you and your blog very much in the future
Thank you very much for all the great music and new bands that you have promoted and introduced
I am sad :-(
Thank you. Have learnt a lot about new bands and music from you :). I often started a day with your blog.
Now life will be a bit worser without you :(.
Wish you all the best on every road you will go down. I will miss you.
More bad news in these harsh times. Why, good Lord, why are we being left alone?
All the best for everyone who followed PlagueofAngels
NO, NO, NO - please dont stop...
...and thank you for the music, you have open many new doors...
So sorry to see you leave. I cannot thank you enough for introducing me to artists I otherwise would have never discovered. I will really miss you, Molotov.
You'll be missed. Not just by me, but even more by the many Danish artists you weren't afraid to feature! Best wishes and take care!
Thank you for all,and a big hug from Portugal.
"So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me"
Ricardo and Carina
Thank you...
Many thanks for a great blog. Disappointed to see it come to an end but all the very best for the future.
This is a sad day! What a shock!
Please say it isn't true!
You have open my ears to so much great music, and taken me out of my 60s music rut.
Thank you for this blog. I wish you would reconsider.
This has been an incredible blog. Some of the mixes you've posted have gotten me into some great bands I'd never hear if not for you. I especially enjoyed your 80's mixes as well. Thanks for all the music!
- Neil
I'm sorry that you're leaving, I will miss your blog.
Thank you very much for all the music!
Best wishes from Salamanca, Spain.
Thx for introducing me to lots of great music...this blog will be missed.
Best of luck for the future!
So sad to see you go... I think being introduced to new music is one of the greatest gifts one can receive. Thank you for all the wonderful music you put on my radar.
Thanks for a great blog - I always looked forward to what great post you'd have next. This is a sad news day.
Shit! My favourite blog will dissappear...
Thanks for all of your great posts. I have enjoyed both your writing and your music taste.
Yep, my favorite blog. Thank you SO much!! You've introduced me to so many wonderful artists, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Best of luck. If you ever get bored, come on back!
Really enjoyed dropping by here, gonna miss it.
Hope you'll miss it too & decide to come back !!!
Oh no ... What a pity! Yours was one of my favourite music blogs and I found here so much new (for me) good music and artists. Well, perhaps you will return some day ?? For the time being all the best for you and thanks for your great work. I will miss you.
With love from Germany
thank you so much - where do we go to fill the void? - nowhere that i know of - yours is certainly a tough act to follow - your spot feels like home - much love with all you do, from seattle, usa
Thank you most sincerely, Molotov, for your hard work and the superb music you've shared at a PLAGUE of ANGELS. I'm truly going to miss your blog but, as others have said, hope you'll be back at it someday. Here's wishing you all the best.
Aloha to you too, from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It's been a great ride. Thanks a lot for sharing so many good sounds with all your readers. As we say 'round here, tudo de bom pra você aí. Or: all good things to you, my friend...
Thank you for all the time you took to share the great music. As a frequent visitor I respect and appreciate all the effort you put into the blog and it will be missed. Best of luck to you in all future endeavours.
please dont go!
thank you for everything. your mixes are among my favorites. it looks like you've had lots of fans and admirers, and this is well-deserved. we will miss you.
Sad news, but thanks for all the work on the blog. I have heard so much good music because of it, and it will be greatly missed.
i, along with many others i'm sure, checked here daily and it's been a pleasure experience the array of music you've provided.
good luck in the real world
Positive : I discovered lots of new artists here, many I bought albums, some I still want to buy (but hard to find in a little canadian town...). It also was very important to hear new songs from the recent release of well known artists. Thank you !
oh nooooo don't go...what would my ipod do without you?? your blog has been amazing and wish you lots of success in whatever you'll be doing next.
ey, why is the reason for the end?
Hey You have made me buy about 20 cds, thank you so much.
Thanks for blogging for all those years my friend, I have really appreciated your thoughts on a lot of wonderful music. As one of my favourite music blogs I will surely miss you.
Nooooo don't go!
like others here I have admired your blog and visited often. We share musical taste - and you have opened a number of new artists for me.
best wishes
i'm an avid fan -- sorry to see you go, but i totally get it. best of luck to you and thank you for all the goodness you've brought to my ears and to my life. -frank [Touring the Indies]
So saddened by the news. I only hope that the reason to stop this blog is not sth you cannot overcome in personal level.
take care
I am going to miss your blog immensely.
It's such a shame you stop writing about music!
It's fantastic the way you made us discover new songs or old but so good ones...
Thanks a lot, we'll miss you a lot!
well, you'll be missed, but it's always good to quit before it becomes a total chore. enjoyed the site while it lasted. cheers!
Thanks for all the samples - it opened me up to new artists.
Regards from another inhabitant of a mitten shaped state, Dave.
Thank you for the music..
Wish you weren't going..
But,ya gotta do what ya gotta do..
Take care.. :)
This was one of my favourite blogs too. Sorry to see you go. Cheers.
Thanks for starting my morning off right with something new and interesting to listen to. I didn't like everything, but it all broadened my musical horizons and I thank you for that.
Best wishes!
Hi Molotov!
It has been a great pleasure!!! Thanks a lot for the music and comments. Take care!
Thanks for everything!
I'm another follower of your blog who has benefited from your good taste and all the work it takes providing one good post after another. A good blend of new indie music and also rock standards that shouldn't be forgotten. Good luck to you also.
Don't go :( I just discovered you!
THANK YOU!! This blog has been a tremendous help to me in discovering new music - your tastes are remarkably similar to mine so I can truthfully say that I love 95% of the music you presented. Sorry it has to end, but I can imagine it takes quite a bit of time to maintain the high level of quality of this blog.
Good luck and thanks again!
You made a massive difference to my life over the past couple of years filling my days and nights with new sounds and artists I would never have discovered otherwise, you will be truely missed. :( Take care of yourself and all the best!
jeez, reading all these comments has left me rather emotional. This really sucks :( if you ever change your mind, don't forget my hosting offer! <3
It's only been a week and I already miss the new music terribly. :(
I remember how excited I was to see what tunes you'd post. Especially when I was looking for a song, and you'd post it in a mix. Your site was enjoyed by so many of us. I'm sad to see you go too. Thank you for the music! Take care and maybe we'll see you again somewhere on the web :)
I'm sorry to here that. But I will always be grateful to you for all the good music you brought to my attention. In particular, thanks for making me discover The National, almost two years ago, when you posted Green Gloves and Fake Empire.
Anyway, THANKS.
sorry to see you go! i only discovered your blog fairly recently, and was immediately introduced to a number of artists i've heard of nowhere else.
best of luck with whatever you take on next. :)
Fare thee well, sir.
So very sorry to see you go. This was my favorite musical blog. You will be missed.
Oh bugger, what a sad thing! You were always such a good source for fine new things. All the best for you and your ears, maybe you'll start another blog of the same variety somewhere somehow. Thanks so far...
Just wanted to say thanks for introducing me to so much great music. Again, thanks for all your hard work and hope you pick this up again in the future.
Shame. It was truly great. And you know what what was the very best part of this blog?
The words.
I carried on reading this blog on holiday in Mexico last year wid nothing more than a mobile phone.
I seem to have a habit of discovering great blogs just as they're discontinued, and yours is the latest in the list. Still, you've left a lot of good music up, and I've made a few nice discoveries here - thanks!
blog-b-gone, RIP
Oh boy...what can I say? A verse from an ABBA song seems appropriate...
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Thanks...best to you
Hey, Sorry to see the site go, was turned on to a lot of good music from it.
i could really find some good music here. thank you so much for letting us know more about different bands and singers. BEST WISHES! (:
Oh, just checked in to find this!
Nonetheless, thanks for your blog! I've enjoyed visiting ir over the years! Good luck!
I keep checking back... just in case. :(
It's time to come back!
Please, Please, Please
so sad... thanks for the awesome music.
God, feels like POA has been missing for so long. Can't bear it, come back Mol!
You have been greatly appreciated.
Please dont go!
Hi! How do I get in touch with you to review an album? Thanks!
Thanks for everything, sad to see you go.
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