Monday, June 13


Today, we're giving a little love to Longwave. Longwave is NOT to be confused with Long-View, as that would be an entirely different group of music-makers. LongWAVE apparently hails from New York City, though they sound as though they might be from the UK (kind of like Interpol). Which is not to say that they sound like Interpol, because they don't. Actually, their sound can't be pegged entirely - they've been compared to everyone from the Strokes (apparently those guys are Longwave fans) to U2. They have also been called "shoegazers," with a "dark," "epic" sound akin to Bends-era Radiohead. Not that any of that is much to live up to.

Their new LP, There's a Fire, is set to be released by Red Ink on June 28th. Until then, feel free to ratchet down your expectations and give them a listen....

"There's a Fire"/Longwave [from There's a Fire, 2005]
There's a Fire-mp3 [left-click]

"Everywhere You Turn"/Longwave [from The Strangest Things, 2003]
Everywhere You Turn-mp3 [left-click]

"Ending"/Longwave [from Endsongs, 2000]
Ending-mp3 [left-click]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Longwave is excellent. I listened to "The Strangest Things" all last year and I can still listen to it over and over. Thank you for posting of them, even if this blog might be old.