(So, what's say we spend another Sunday in Australia....)
Surely you all remember MIDNIGHT OIL They were especially big in the U.S. right around the time I started college. So: nostalgia... big-time.
(But speaking of Australia... I guess everybody knows that a goodly percentage of the first Western settlers of that nation were convicts (English, Scottish, Irish) sent from Great Britain. That all started around 1788. What I'd never realized was that the American Revolution actually played a part in this -- seeing as, from 1718 to 1775, England had been dumping a goodly number of their convicts in America (Maryland, Virginia).
(Apparently, in those days, the UK shipped about 70% of its criminals to the colonies and executed 16% of the rest.)
(And now that I think about it, that seems like a pretty reasonable system -- perhaps worthy of consideration here in the U.S. Canada, after all, has quite a lot of unused, wasted space up there. And it's only fair -- Toronto has been shipping all its trash (literally) to Michigan for going on seven years now.)
(So, let's see... the U.S. currently has approximately 2.2 million prisoners, meaning we'll need to send approximately 1.54 million to Canada and kill 352,000 others. For the first part, I would suggest that we split them into 16 barely noticeable groups of 96,250 each, then distribute them amidst the following Canadian hamlets: Noggin Cove, Berry's Head, St. Margret's Head, Cow Head, Grizzly Bear's Head, Herring Neck, Salmon Arm, Alice Arm, Luke's Arm, Robert's Arm, Joe Batt's Arm, Jerry's Nose, Moose Jaw, Moosehorn, Moose Heights, and Porcupine Plain. Should there be any issues with overflow, a few inmates could always be diverted to Swastika, Ontario, Asbestos, Quebec, or Burnt Church, New Brunswick.)
(Now, as to the second part of our problem... the sad fact is, the United States has only succeeded in killing 1,120 prisoners since the death penalty was reinstated 32 years ago [fun fact: George W. can personally take credit for 14% of those -- and all in just the 6 years he spent as governor of Texas!]. A modest proposal: Perhaps we should start feeding our inmates Canadian and British beef, Chinese baby formula, and Mexican chili peppers.)
(We are, as always, "solutions-oriented" here at "a PLAGUE of ANGELS.")
And now, finally, some music... from Australia... (where 20% of the population is descended from convicts... and where some of that population reside(s) in the hamlets of Tittybong, Bobbin Head, Blowhard, Chinaman's Knob, and Black Charlie's Opening. Oy!)