More retro stylings -- but this time by way of the '60s.
CANDIE PAYNE hails from Liverpool and mines a NANCY SINATRA/DUSTY SPRINGFIELD/PETULA CLARK sort of vibe. So pour yourself a martini and start doin' the frug, baby.
[Another unproductive week around these parts.... Looks like I'll be laying off the cheap vodka for the next five or so days, though, so next week should be better.]
For this Friday night/Saturday morning, a bit of retro, '80s-styled synth pop courtesy of PLUSHGUN. In truth, though, it seems to be just one New Yorker -- DAN INGALA -- doing all the work. Showoff.
Jun 24 2007 8:00P/Southside Festival/Neuhausen ob/Eck Jun 25 2007 8:00P/Dresden/Alter Schlacthof Dresden Jun 27 2007 8:00P/Vega/Copenhagen Jun 28 2007 8:00P/Hove Festival/Tromoy, Arendal Jun 29 2007 8:00P/Accelerator/Stockholm Jul 1 2007 8:00P/Rock Werchter/Werchter Jul 2 2007 8:00P/Astoria London/London and South East Jul 5 2007 8:00P/Superbock Superrock/Lisbon Jul 7 2007 8:00P/Oxegen Festival/Dublin Jul 7 2007 8:00P/Punchestown Racecourse (Oxegen)/Naas Jul 8 2007 8:00P/T In the Park/Balado, Scotland
[I hate using YouSendIt as an uploader, but it at least offers me some slight protection with this early, pre-release track. I'm confident you will understand....]
[MP3] [left-click] [YouSendIt] "Who Do You Think?"
Jul 4 2007 8:00P/Battery Park/New York, New York Jul 15 2007 8:00P/Pitchfork Festival/Chicago, Illinois Jul 29 2007 8:00P/Rogers Picnic/Toronto, Ontario Sep 13 2007 8:00P/McPherson Ballroom/Victoria, British Columbia Sep 14 2007 8:00P/Showbox/Seattle, Washington Sep 15 2007 8:00P/Showbox/Seattle, Washington Sep 16 2007 8:00P/Crystal Ballroom/Portland, Oregon Sep 17 2007 8:00P/Warfield Theatre/San Francisco, California Sep 18 2007 8:00P/House Of Blues/San Diego, California Sep 19 2007 8:00P/Henry Fonda Theatre/Los Angeles, California
[I hate using YouSendIt as an uploader, but it at least offers me some slight protection with this very early, pre-release track. I'm confident you will understand....]
L.A.'sMEZZANINE OWLS have been compared to everybody from country/Americana popsters THE JAYHAWKS, Cinemascope Britpoppers DOVES, and slowcore/shoegaze specialists RIDE and THE JESUS AND MARY CHAIN. I suppose there may be some truth in "All Of The Above."
You can decide for yourself by lending your ears to the somewhat Jayhawks-ian "Moving Ground" and the somewhat more Ride-erish "We Don't."
Mezzanine Owls' debut LP, SLINGSHOT ECHOES, can be purchased any number of places, including this one right [HERE]. You can also check out another free song from the album courtesy of SPIN.COM.
"THE PIERCES are sisters Catherine and Allison, who, having already made the journey from their birthplace of Alabama to New York City, are now off to support Albert Hammond, Jr. on his tour of the UK.
Their debut album, THIRTEEN TALES OF LOVE AND REVENGE, will be released in February of '07 on LIZARD KING RECORDS."
Well, said "debut" album ultimately didn't see release until March 20. And an alert reader ultimately clued me in to the fact that said "debut" album was not, in fact, the Pierces' first album. It was, in fact, their third album (after their self-titled, genuine "debut" in 2000 and 2005's LIGHT OF THE MOON).
Of the tracks below, "Boring" borders on the "novelty" -- and is probably closer to t.A.T.u than BLACK BOX RECORDER -- but I'm still rather enjoying it. "Turn on Billie" takes things in a more sultry, cabaret direction (more NELLIE McKAY than AMY WINEHOUSE).
THE PIERCES on parade >>> Jun 21 2007 8:00P/Mercury Lounge with The Honorary Title/New York, New York Jul 18 2007 8:00P/Northstar with As Tall As Lions/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Jul 19 2007 8:00P/TT's with As Tall As Lions/Boston, Massachusetts Jul 20 2007 8:00P/Highline with As Tall As Lions/New York, New York
Georgia's COSIGNER are led by STEPHEN TOOTLE, whose unassuming vocals are an apt match for the music's amiable, indie-folk-rock shuffle. The outfit seems to be something of a part-time endeavor at the moment, but their previous records can still be ordered from CD BABY.
ICKY THUMP out today in the U.S. I'm not one of those who sees THE WHITE STRIPES as the Second Coming (hell, I don't even believe in the FIRST Coming), but I can generally find a tune or two from their albums to get behind. Not so much on their last album, I guess, but this new one features about four that are working for me so far. You'll find two of them below....
Jun 20 2007 8:00P/Icky Thump Records/West Hollywood, California Jun 24 2007 8:00P/Deer Lake Park w/Dan Sartain/Burnaby, BC Canada Jun 25 2007 8:00P/Yukon Arts Center/Whitehorse, YT Canada Jun 26 2007 8:00P/Shorty Brown Multiplex Arena/Yellowknife, NT Canada Jun 27 2007 8:00P/Arctic Winter Games Arena w/Lucie Idlout/Iqaluit, NU Canada Jun 29 2007 8:00P/The Pengrowth Saddledome w/Dan Sartain/Calgary, AB Canada Jun 30 2007 8:00P/Shaw Conference Center w/Dan Sartain/Edmonton, AB Canada Jul 1 2007 8:00P/TCU Place w/Dan Sartain/Saskatoon, SK Canada Jul 2 2007 8:00P/MTS Centre w/Dan Sartain/Winnipeg, MB Canada Jul 3 2007 8:00P/Thunder Bay Community Auditorium/w/Dan Sartain/Thunder Bay, ON Canada Jul 5 2007 8:00P/Molson Amphitheatre w/Dan Sartain/Toronto, ON Canada
"DRAGONETTE is a London-based quartet that opened for DURAN DURAN during their last tour. They're supposedly working on their first full-length LP even as we speak. And they traffic in exactly the sort of infectious, silly-ass-superficial dance-pop that I feel like blasting from the rooftops today."
Well, that first, full-length LP is finally on the verge of release. It's called GALORE and can be pre-ordered [HERE].
[The good people of UNKLE -- or their handlers -- saw fit to shut down my FileDen account without even asking me to take the files down first. Lovely, motherfucking cunts. Ironic, too. Seeing as I thought their album, overall, was shit.]
The London, UK electronica duo UNKLE (JAMES LAVELLE & RICHARD FILE) will be releasing their new LP, WAR STORIES, on XXX in the UK and Europe and XXX in the U.S.
CATS ON FIRE: four-piece from Finland. Sounds like: THE SMITHS; THE CURE.
Me: currently headache-impaired. Mood: piss-poor. This particular blog at this particular moment: not at all critical to my existence. Anybody have Kevorkian's home phone? Tell him to send his van to Livonia, MI. I'll go quietly.
Jun 15 2007 8:00P/Les Yper Sound/Dynamo/Turku, Finland Jul 20 2007 8:00P/Cosy Den/Landet, Stockholm, Sweden Jul 21 2007 8:00P/On Our Honeymoon/Stars 'n Bars/Gothenburg, Sweden Jul 26 2007 8:00A/Brixton Windmill/London, UK Jul 27 2007 8:00A/Red Rooms, Rescue Rooms/Nottingham, UK Jul 28 2007 8:00A/Indie Tracks Festival, UK Aug 11 2007 8:00P/Monsters of Pop/Tampere, Finland
From the LP THE PROVINCE COMPLAINS, 2007 >>> [MP3] "I Am the White-Mantled King" [MP3] "Mesmer and Reason"
From the EP DRAW IN THE REINS, 2006 >>> [MP3] "Never Land Here"
I don't have HBO, so I haven't seen the full, final episode of The Sopranos yet. I have, of course, seen the last few seconds of it replayed time and time again.
I therefore felt compelled to search my 441 "official" mix CDs to see if I had that particular JOURNEY song in my collection. And I did. And two more to grow on.
This post was inspired by the last post, which was inspired by the post before that. All "part of the plan," you see. (Though, it should be noted, the "plan" is being held together by a thread at the moment. In listening to an old mix CD last week, I discovered ALISON MOYET and DOT ALLISON on back-to-back tracks. "Ah-hah!," thought I. "If only I'd had the foresight to attach a certain apropos ELVIS COSTELLO tune, then we truly would have been cooking with gas. Alas, alas.")
As far as Dot Allison is concerned, I can't really provide you with a true, wide-screen view of her career. I can, however, hand you a snapshot. It was taken eight years ago, so it's grown a bit faded and grainy. 1999's AFTERGLOW was the Scottish singer's first solo album after fronting the short-lived "trip-pop" act ONE DOVE. She's only released one record since then (2002's more electronica-oriented WE ARE SCIENCE), but she remains in-demand as a guest vocalist for the likes of MASSIVE ATTACK, DEATH IN VEGAS, ARAB STRAP, and... um... PETE DOHERTY. (Well, so long as he doesn't make her his mule....)
This post was inspired by the last post. Therefore, in no way, shape, or form can it be classified as "random." It is, to the contrary, "part of a plan." Whether there is a "point" to that "plan" is another question altogether....
When YAZ/YAZOO went prematurely poof! in 1983, there was good reason to believe that both VINCE CLARKE and ALISON MOYET would continue to find success -- Clarke as a consequence of his impeccable synth-pop instincts; Moyet on the strength of her rich and distinctive vocal stylings.
Of course, Clarke DID go on to great dance-pop success with Erasure. But Moyet has never quite broken through as a solo artist -- despite some hit singles in Britain in the mid-to-late '80s. These days, hers is a cult following, and she's as likely to record an album of traditional or jazz standards as she is a standard, traditional "pop" offering.
All of which is to reinforce the fact(s) that life is a bitch, there is no justice, and that -- if there IS a God -- he/she/it is a fickle motherfucker with irreconcilably lousy taste in music. (Then again, if BRITNEY SPEARS, ASHLEE SIMPSON, or any former American Idol contestant is struck by lightning (or a truck) in the next couple days, I may be willing to minimize the vim, vigor, and vehemence of my atheism....)
This post was inspired by a television commercial. Yes, I know... how very ridiculously random. But there it is.
Originally, I had thought that the television commercial was for some automobile or another, but apparently it was for JC Penney. Took me a minute to peg the song ("Only You") and original artist (YAZ) (or "Yazoo," for all the non-Americans out there).
Originally, I had thought that the version used in the television commercial was sung by a woman, but apparently it was sung by a man going by the name of JOSHUA RADIN. Obviously, my memory is unreliable. Forgive me. Alcohol has gradually been eating away my brain.
Originally, the Yaz version of "Only You" came out in 1982 (when I was 12 and my first taste of alcohol was still seven years hence). The song was written by VINCE CLARKE while he was still part of DEPECHE MODE. His bandmates wanted no part of it, so he brought it with him when he formed Yaz with ALISON MOYET. (Three years hence, he formed ERASURE with ANDY BELL).
"Only You" has also appeared in NAPOLEON DYNAMITE and the British version of THE OFFICE.
Swedish indie-popstersSHOUT OUT LOUDS' second record, OUR ILL WILL, won't hit the American market until September. Their previous material, however, is available now from INSOUND or iTUNES.
I have HITS IN THE CAR to thank for this one. Of course, it only makes sense that a Danish blog would be best able to alert the world to an up-and-coming Danish artist. In this case, that artist would be the Hobbit-monikered RASMUS FYNBO, who records under the far-more-dubious name MUSHI.
I'll let HITS give you the scoop:
"My current favorite album is the recent release by Danish one-man project Mushi. The album (released March 19) is called Unfairytales and has received some pretty good reviews in the Danish media. The music varies quite a lot throughout the 12 tracks on the album, and sounds like he's done his best to mix as many musical genres as possible. Whether you want Balkan rhythms, western themes, cabaret, country or the straight forward pop/rock song begging for airplay; it's all there and it never gets boring. However the real strength of the album is that he never gets carried away (and turns the album into an experimental playground), but instead remembers that the great and catchy tune must always be present."
Well said, sir. And a great find.
Mushi's back-catalogue is available for free download [HERE]. Happy hunting.
To stream four songs from UNFAIRYTALE, go to Mushi's MySPACE.
Mushi on the move >>>
Jun 15 2007 12:00P/Vesterbro Festival - PH Cafeén/Købehavn V Jul 7 2007 8:00P/TjiliPop (acoustic)/København Jul 15 2007 3:00P/Proud Gallery London/London and South East Sep 2 2007 9:00P/Drop Inn (acoustic)/København K Oct 5 2007 8:00P/Huset/Nakskov
From the LP UNFAIRYTALE, 2007 >>> [MP3] "Pieces of Nothing" [VID] "Trivial Decay"
From the LP UNBELONGING, 2004 >>> [MP3] "The Nightcrawler" [MP3] "Good to Go" [MP3] "Aftermath"
From the LP NAVEL FLUFF, 2001 >>> [MP3] "Lyon 1995" [MP3] "Red and Yellow" [MP3] "Norma and I"
From the EP EVERYTHING GOES, 2000 >>> [MP3] "Anogo" [MP3] "Raisin"
From the EP BEHIND THE TIMES, 1999 >>> [MP3] "Suburban Princess" [MP3] "The Poor Band"
[Please pardon this introductory, entirely-off-topic rant, but... Maybe the terrorists have it right. Maybe "Death to America" shouldn't be seen so much as a murderous threat but as an invitation to a mercy killing. In the wake of 9/11, I remember so many pundits expressing self-righteous shock and awe at the fact that the hijackers could live in the U.S. for a period of YEARS and not be beguiled into a deep, rapturous love for our culture. To hell with your theoretical/theocratical assurances of an afterlife rife with veneration and virgins -- we've got Vegas. South Beach. Playboy mansions. Hooters. And we've got Paris Hilton. Wall-to-wall. Going to jail. Getting out of jail. Going back to jail. With CNN, MSNBC, and FOX standing breathlessly by to provide the minute-by-minute minutiae. Complete with helicopter shots. Psychological experts. Those grating, grade-A motherfucks Nancy Grace and Dr. Phil. And when it's not Paris Hilton, it's Lindsay Lohan. Or Anna Nicole Smith. Michael Jackson. O.J. Athletes on androgen. Astronauts in Depends. Runaway, bug-eyed brides. Sanjaya's hair. Flavor Flav's grill. Tommy Lee's cock. Pete Doherty at the end of a needle. Amy Winehouse at the bottom of a shot-glass. Sex, drugs & roll 'n' roll. And rehab. For those at the end of needles, bottom of shot-glasses, and edge of correctness. Cosmo Kramer cries, "Nigger!". Dr. Burke blurts, "Fag!". Mad Max rants against yids and nappy-headed ho's (to borrow a line). See it all -- wall-to-wall -- on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. Our glorious 24-hour "news" channels. Tell me, Wolf Blitzer, what's the current state of Paris Hilton's snatch? Which star-fucking/already-drawing-up-the-lawsuit loser is right now depositing her toddler on Michael Jackson's lap? How long before O.J. Simpson once again gets the itch to Ginsu? And how long before the next merry band of terrorists goes all suitcase-nuke on our oblivious asses? No doubt sooner than we'll be ready for. Which will leave us shocked. Awed. Retreating to safe rooms with duct tape and plastic sheeting. Rallying around the flag. Voting Republican. Quoting Revelation. Round and round and round it goes. Wolf... Tucker... Hannity... Colmes... say it won't be so. Motherfuck Nancy... Motherfuck Phil... tell us what to feel. How to be. Where to hide. When to cry. Who to sue. That is, if you can break away from the ubiquitous Ms. Hilton just for a minute.... No? Well, never mind.... Terrorists, we await you. We await our empire's televised end.]
Okay then. Sorry 'bout that. But, I mean, Jesus-fucking-Christ....
The California-by-way-of-Alabama band THE SNAKE THE CROSS THE CROWN play a country-inflected indie rock that's subtle but satisfying. Singer KEVIN JONES's wavery voice is unassuming almost to the point of apology. "The Great American Smokeout" sports a shuffling, drunken-sing-along chorus. "Behold the River" slow-builds to a standstill before pushing through to something approximating a climax. And "Empires" coasts on its simple, rustic-yet-elegant grace. Of the three, it's the keeper.
THE SNAKE THE CROSS THE CROWN going west to east across the south, then north >>>
Jun 8 2007 7:00P/Brick House/Phoenix, Arizona Jun 9 2007 7:00P/Launchpad/Albuquerque, New Mexico Jun 10 2007 9:00P/Ray's (TSTCTC ONLY)/Marfa, Texas Jun 11 2007 7:00P/The Parish/Austin, Texas Jun 12 2007 7:00P/The Conservatory/Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Jun 14 2007 8:00P/Tasty World (w/Two Gallants)/Athens, Georgia Jun 15 2007 7:00P/Masquerade/Atlanta, Georgia Jun 16 2007 7:00P/The Social/Orlando, Florida Jun 18 2007 7:00P/Rock and Roll Hotel/Washington DC Jun 19 2007 7:00P/Highline Ballroom/New York, New York
From the LP COTTON TEETH, 2007 >>> [MP3] "The Great American Smokeout" [MP3] "Behold the River"
From the LP MANDER SALIS, 2004 >>> [MP3] "Empires"
The four young ladies that make up SAHARA HOTNIGHTS -- Maria, Johanna, Jennie, and Josephine -- came together as teenagers in the small town of Robertsfors, Sweden to put a distaff spin on the then-going-great-guns grunge movement.
Channeling aspects of other tough-chicks-with-dirty-riffs rockers -- THE RUNAWAYS; THE DONNAS -- Sahara Hotnights began to garner international attention with their second record, 2001's JENNIE BOMB (it certainly didn't hurt that fellow Swedes THE HIVES were blowing up right about then; "Hate to Say I Told You So" was the "Young Folks" of its day).
To my mind, JENNIE BOMB remains the Hotnights' best work to date. Subsequent efforts -- including this year's terribly-titled WHAT IF LEAVING IS A LOVING THING -- have tended to tilt toward the slicker, poppier domain of countrymen THE SOUNDS. Not that that's a BAD thing, exactly. It's just that a few rough edges tend to keep things interesting, while filing them down too smooth has a way of trapping even the most promising artists in a safe-but-sterile limbo-land. That way stagnation lies.
Life-long Californian CARL JORDAN writes and performs music as THE WESTERN STATES MOTEL. His compositions possess an easy-going, melancholic charm evoking '70s AM radio, northern California road-trips, and Mary-Jane-mellow bonfires on beaches. Under the stars. With or without marshmallows. But probably with.
The Western States Motel's self-titled debut LP can be purchased at CDBaby or iTUNES.
We used to do a thing around here called the "Dead Bands" series. This particular post wasn't intended to be a new installment in that series, but in doing some requisite research on THE MAYFLIES USA, I discovered with much regret that they had called it quits quite some time ago.
While they were still a going concern, the Mayflies called Chapel Hill, North Carolina home and trafficked in a brand of power pop heavily indebted to BIG STAR. For a more current comparison: think a less-slick/lower-fi FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE and you'll at least be in the ballpark.
Ahh, Gothenburg again. We were just there last week to check in with KRISTOFFER RAGNSTAM. And we've been there before to visit with SAMBASSADEUR, LEOPOLD, and our beloved PINTO (also:[HERE]).
The pop quintet RONDERLIN take their musical cues from the '60s, '80s, and '90s. You'll hear a bit of give-peace-a-chance psychedelia on "Way to Be" (especially on the choruses); "A Forest"-era CURE on the verses to "What's the Time"; and a dash of BELLE AND SEBASTIAN pastoralia on "Reflected."
Until yesterday, I'd been under the mistaken impression that New York City's THE BRAVERY were from the UK. Of course, I'd thought the same thing about THE KILLERS and SECRET MACHINES once upon a time as well. Well... whatever. Live and learn.
Jun 6 2007 5:00P/Avalon - FNX Music Poll/Boston, Massachusetts Jun 7 2007 7:00P/9:30 Club/Washington DC Jun 8 2007 12:00P/KJEE Seaside Beach Ball/Ventura, California Jun 9 2007 12:00P/Live 105 BFD/Mountain View, California Jun 10 2007 12:00P/KWOD Summer Buzz/Sacramento, California Jun 16 2007 12:00P/Q101 Block Party 2007/Chicago, Illinois Jun 18 2007 8:00P/Varsity Theater/Minneapolis, Minnesota Jun 19 2007 7:00P/Beaumont Club/Kansas City, Missouri Jun 20 2007 7:00P/Pop's/St. Louis, Missouri Jun 23 2007 12:00P/Hurricane Festival/Scheessel, GER
From the LP THE SUN AND THE MOON, 2007 >>> [MP3] "Angelina" [MP3] [VID] "Time Won't Let Me Go"
From their self-titled LP, 2005 >>> [MP3] [VID] "Fearless"
I'm not the world's biggest RYAN ADAMS fan. It's not that I despise the guy; it's just that I'm somewhat mystified by his ongoing hyper-popularity in certain folk-rock quarters. Often times, it seems to me, people who have too much to say end up saying nothing at all, and Adams's almost pathological prolificness keeps him cranking out competent -- but largely unremarkable -- material for the masses. Before you know it, the name-brand has gone generic. Kleenex. Jell-O. Band-Aids. Q-Tips. Yet another Ryan Adams song from yet another Ryan Adams album. Buy it at Wal-Mart. Before it morphs to Muzak.
Alas, it was Ryan Adams who helped get New York-centric singer-songwriter JESSE MALIN's solo career going. He produced 2002's THE FINE ART OF SELF DESTRUCTION, and Malin hasn't looked back since. The Adams-free THE HEAT followed in 2004. And 2007's made-in-L.A. GLITTER IN THE GUTTER emerged in March. BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN and JAKOB DYLAN were guests on GUTTER. And BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG's ADELINE RECORDS put it out.
So, in six years, Jesse Malin has released three albums. In those same six years, Ryan Adams has released seven (or WILL have, once EASY TIGER drops later this month). Sometimes, less is more.
Jun 6 2007 7:00P/John Varvatos and Spin Magazine Presents Concert for Free Arts NYC w/Radio 4, DJ Josh Madden/NYC Jun 7 2007 8:00P/Club Cafe - U.S. Death & Taxes Magazine Tour/Pittsburgh Jun 8 2007 8:00P/Reverb - North by Northeast/Toronto Jun 9 2007 8:00P/Shelter/Detroit, Michigan Jun 10 2007 8:00P/The Double Door/Chicago Jun 12 2007 8:00P/Pop's/Sauget, Illinois Jun 13 2007 8:00P/The Bottleneck/Lawrence, KS Jun 15 2007 8:00P/The Bluebird/Denver Jun 16 2007 8:00P/Kilby Court/Salt Lake City Jun 18 2007 8:00P/Cafe Du Nord/San Francisco
From the LP GLITTER IN THE GUTTER, 2007 >>> [MP3] "Prisoners of Paradise" [MP3] "N.Y. Nights"
From the LP THE HEAT, 2004 >>> [MP3] "Swinging Man" [MP3] "Hotel Columbia"
From the LP THE FINE ART OF SELF DESTRUCTION, 2003 >>> [MP3] [VID] "Queen of the Underworld"
From the EP WENDY, 2003 >>> [MP3] "The 3 Martini Lunch"
As erratically as last month started, I wasn't sure that I'd end up collecting enough songs for a Best of the Month mix. Turns out, it wasn't a problem. What follows was the best of my May....
Left-click[HERE] or [HERE] for the BEST OF MAY mix.
01) Placebo/Johnny & Mary 02) Editors/The Racing Rats 03) Feist/My Moon My Man 04) Emil Jensen/Ghana mot Italien 05) Spoon/Rhthm & Soul 06) Fields/You Brought This on Yourself 07) The Pigeon Detectives/I Found Out 08) Moonbabies/Take Me to the Ballroom 09) Pernice Brothers/There Goes the Sun 10) Tapes 'N Tapes/Cowbell [The Black Eyes Remix] 11) User/Miss Wanted 12) Mohair/L.A. Song 13) Immaculate Machine/Dear Confessor 14) The Mary Onettes/Still 15) Sissy Wish/Book 16) The Magic Numbers/Forever Lost 17) Okkervil River/Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe 18) The Ladybug Transistor/So Blind 19) Woodpigeon/Ms. Stacey Watson, Stepney Green 20) Radiohead/Let Down
[Come back later today to download the BEST OF MAY mix.]
Seattle's THE WALKABOUTS are one of the true Rodney Dangerfields of the indie-rock world. No respect.
Sure, they've carved out a bit of a following in Europe over the past decade with numerous releases and extensive touring. But in their home country: Forget about it. For a good part of their 23-year career, they haven't even had a U.S. distributor for their records. Which is a pity. A crime. An abomination.
Because the Walkabouts have been making some pretty swell music over those 23 years. Co-vocalists CHRIS ECKMAN and CARLA TORGERSON have headed a number of different line-ups, but their sound has remained consistent and distinctive through it all. Eckman's deep, growly voice often suggests LEONARD COHEN or SCOTT WALKER, while his guitar-playing evokes R.E.M.'s PETER BUCK -- sometimes by way of RECKONING; sometimes by way of AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE.
The group also has a penchant for the long, slow, and lush. And dark. Southern-Gothic dark. LAMBCHOP has made music like this. And TINDERSTICKS. It's just really too bad so few Americans have had the chance to hear the Walkabouts strut their stuff. This post is a very small effort to change that. To shine a little light their way. To show them a little well-deserved respect.