So... SAY HI it is. And just in time for their latest long-form release, THE WISHES AND THE GLITCH. I say "their," but, name change or not, Say Hi is still driven by Mr. ERIC ELBOGEN. No longer is he merely one man, alone, in his bedroom, with a Casio; a few of his AV-club compatriots have dropped by to help him raise his freak-flag high. That translates into yet another batch of compact, paranoid-android pop, as shaped and shored up by the subsequent cultural touchstones:
"pretentious indie rock. paul mccartney. female bass players. female drummers. kool moe dee. ll cool j. any other rapper with the words kool or cool in their name. yorke. fat bob. malkmus. black francis. adam clayton. larry mullen jr. godrich. rupert neve. george martin. native instruments. reason. logic pro. paul epsworth. ira glass. ira kaplan. ira elliot. daniel and matthew too. barsuk. k. merge. matador sometimes. ballard. brooklyn. david foster wallace. distopia. stephin merritt. doug martsch. tape op. the wrens. the novation bass station."
If that doesn't paint a detailed enough picture for you, by all means give a listen to the songs below. But don't dawdle. The grim realities of the modern marketplace would suggest that daily operations of this blog may soon be shipped to India, to be taken up by that inscrutable customer-service specialist you called the last time your Dell decided to do the Dutch. "For quality assurance, your call may be recorded." Question is: Who's doing the recording? The NSA or RIAA? Oh, the horror, the horror....
SAY HI live >>>
Oct 24 2007 8:00P/The Proletariat/Houston, Texas
Oct 25 2007 8:00P/Red Star Bar/Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Oct 26 2007 8:00P/The Bottletree Cafe/Birmingham, Alabama
Oct 27 2007 8:00P/The Earl/Atlanta, Georgia
Oct 28 2007 8:00P/Local 506/Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Oct 29 2007 8:00P/Outback Lodge/Charlottesville, Virginia
Oct 30 2007 8:00P/Black Cat/Washington, Washington DC
Nov 1 2007 8:00P/Mojo 13/Wilmington, Delaware
[MP3] "Toil and Trouble"
[MP3] "Shakes Her Shoulders"
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