So, who and the heck is Mika? Well, he's only the latest in a long line of pop stars to come out of Beirut. I mean, "Duh."
Seriously, though, the guy WAS born in Beirut. Then, he moved from one European locale to another, never entirely fitting in, but realizing early on that he had a passion for music and art. Now, in his very early 20's, he's set to release his first album, Life in Cartoon Motion.
This is pure pop -- shiny & sugary. It might remind you a bit of Scissor Sisters. Bee Gees. Maybe even George Michael. On "Grace Kelly," though, you'll be quite certain you're hearing a certain Mr. Mercury -- alive and well -- note-for-note, chord-for-chord. This is hero-worship to the hilt.
Now, quick like a bunny, somebody break out the amyl nitrite....
Mika on MySpace.
Nov 4 8:00A/w/THE FEELING/Shepherd's Bush Empire/London
Nov 14 8:00A/Brighton Concorde 2/Brighton
Nov 16 8:00A/Birmingham Academy 2/Birmingham
Nov 17 8:00A/Glasgow Nice N Sleazy/Glasgow
Nov 18 8:00A/Leeds Mine/Leeds
Nov 20 8:00A/Manchester Academy 3/Manchester
Nov 21 8:00A/London Dingwalls/London
[MP3] "Relax (Take It Easy)"
[MP3] "Grace Kelly"